Ok, my little brother was sick and decided that he shouldn't be the only one feeling crappy, coughing, sneezing, achy head and not being able to rest. So he devised a plan that would shake up the house. This little monkey, started coughing on everyone that came near him... despite the fact that we were trying our best to provide some basic feel good care.
Upon my first cough/sneeze I caulked it up to my allergies - right!? - WRONG! I was sick with a cold... My head, back, body, everything was achy. I had a slight fever and I could hear off in the distance a chuckle from my "CHEEKY" little brother. Not only did he get me sick, but he got My mom, my brother, my boyfriend, and two friends sick as well!!!! He need an ASS WOOPEN! But what can I do... I love him - even if he did make us all sick!
Boy's got perfect timing, apparently.
Feel better soon, my Tony.
Thanks! I hope your armpits have recovered! :)
They have. And they smell and feel exquisite now, too. :-)
oh yeah... I need to loose weight... its a goal. so, every little bit counts... So, when are you going to come visit me and the boy! we have a room waiting for you!!
That's a constructive quest you are on, which I should pursue, too.
When am I to visit? When I'll have gotten rid of that beer belly of mine. ;-)
No! keep your belly... we can loose them together. You are welcome to come here anytime. I was serious about you having a place to stay!
Saad and I both have our own places... So, you would have options. Even if you only came for a short 3 month visit! :) haha.
But, you should consider the Philadelphia, New york, New Jersey DC, Boston Area.
No! keep your belly... we can loose them together. You are welcome to come here anytime. I was serious about you having a place to stay!
Saad and I both have our own places... So, you would have options. Even if you only came for a short 3 month visit! :) haha.
But, you should consider the Philadelphia, New york, New Jersey DC, Boston Area. There are good schools around, which you could attend.
We, now, both know there are new options that presented themselves during our most recent discussion. So, we'll see. :-)
Thank you for feeling like a safe place to go to, literally and metaphorically. :-) HUG
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